How To Do Ecomm Without A Website

I know that some of you out there are just trying to figure out where to get started in making income online.

I get it.

There are so many opportunities available that it can make your head swim.

You may have started to try something in a particular niche, and it might not be very promising.

I have had some of the same problems in the past.

Perhaps you are thinking that you made a wrong choice about your main focus.

Well, as long as you are willing to keep persevering and continue to keep working, you will find something that works.

Some advice that I would give is to consider diversifying.

What I mean is that there are different niches and different ways to make profits.

Now, some will disagree with me and say that you need to learn one thing and stick with it.

Here’s the truth.

Some people will be successful with only one thing, and others will succeed with diversification.

There’s not only one right answer.

So, what I’m asking you to consider is other options, and I’ve got something that I think you’ll like.

I’ve talked before about how I like ecommerce.

If you’ve seen my blog, you’ll know that I’m a fan.

So, when I’m considering products to show you and promote, ecomm always makes me smile.

I wanted to show you a great new product by Kal Bartal who is working with Jeremy Kennedy (one of my all time favorite marketers).

What they’ve set up is really cool.

Kal has been using a method of drop shipping to make hundreds of dollars each week.

And in this new product, he shows you exactly how he does it.

I was able to review the product and look through the training modules, and I liked it a lot.

Most ecomm type training products require that you have your own website.

The genius of Kal’s product is that he shows you how to do it WITHOUT a website.

Perfect for someone starting out or someone that wants to diversify (like I mentioned above).

I haven’t seen this method used before which he shows you in the training, so I was really intrigued.

The videos are well done, and they show you how to use drop-shipping, where the resources are for drop-shipping, how to find a great item to drop-ship, how to market the item, and more…

It’s very thorough and valuable training.

He shows you multiple case studies of customer examples and how to follow up with your prospects.

This is clearly a fantastic alternative way to do ecomm.

It’s something you may want to consider if you’re wanting to add ecomm marketing to your arsenal.

It would be a great way to diversify.

You Can Find Kal’s Product “Easy Peasy Ecom” Here.

A stellar recommendation.

Hope Your Marketing Day Is Amazing.


Loy Puckett The Efficient Marketer